Під час війни наша команда, експерти підтримують Україну, хто як може.
Хтось зі зброєю в руках у ЗСУ, хтось на волонтерському фронті, немає байдужих в такі складні часи для України.
Команда P2B CAPITAL повертається та відновлює свою роботу, щоб підтримати підприємців та бізнес, який намагається стабільно працювати в умовах війни.
На INVEST RING підприємці презентують свої бізнес проекти. Оцінюють презентації професійні експерти: успішні інвестори та підприємці, представники інвестиційних фондів.
Тільки за 2021 рік команда Startup.Network провела близько 90 інвестиційних заходів в 125 країнах.
Учасники івентів Startup.Network залучили понад 100 млн $ за останні три роки.
Інвестори на INVEST RING можуть:
дізнатися нові тренди інвестиційного ринку;
отримати поради від представників фондів і досвідчених інвесторів;
познайомитися з кращими підприємцями країни;
знайти бізнес для інвестування.
Підприємці на INVEST RING можуть:
сформувати нові зв'язки в бізнес-середовищі України;
поліпшити питч свого проекту;
знайти фінансування для свого бізнесу.
Ми відберемо лише 7 кращих бізнес-проектів для виступу
3 хвилини - презентує свій бізнес-проект;
5 хвилин - відповідає на запитання експертів.
Гості можуть задавати питання в чаті.
За результатами онлайн-голосування експертів, один з підприємців буде обраний переможцем INVEST RING.
Для реєстрації проекту натисніть на кнопку "СТАРТАПИ", потім "СТАТИ виступаючим" та заповніть анкету.
Дедлайн подання заявок - 07 ВЕРЕСНЯ 2022 року.
*** Обов'язкова вимога - у вас повинен бути діючий бізнес!
Дата і час проведення:
15 ВЕРЕСНЯ 2022 року 18:30
Місце проведення: онлайн
Вартість квитка для гостей - безкоштовно за умови реєстрації.
Отримати квиток безкоштовно можна, натиснувши на сторінці події кнопку "КВИТОК"
Будемо раді бачити вас на INVEST RING онлайн!
I am so happy that I have participated in Dubai Unicorn Battle. Winning the 1st place of this prestigious award is one of many excitements. As an entrepreneur I am actively raising funds and super busy scaling my startup, therefore I was looking for battles with cash prizes! but after I attended the Unicorn Battle, the benefits were more rewarding than immediate cash. All the 18 judges were active investors or consultants who help raising investment, their feedbacks and advices were impressive and helpful to scale to the next level. The organization by Lena and Kateryna was great, the networking and coffee breaks allowed me to make new connections, and we got approached by two interested investors right after the award ceremony.
Will definitely participate again in the future.
Ok, yes I'm excited that we won the Startup Battle this week. But mostly I want to let my other entrepreneur friends out there know that this event is really great. The Judges were all very impressive active investors - and all super engaged with Q&A and feedback - the programming beforehand was excellent, and all the companies that pitched were outstanding. If you have an opportunity to participate in one of these events, do it!
The main thing I would like to share is the event went beyond our expectations.
The venue was really full of interested people and even overcrowded, and that created the right emotional state for the pitching startups and for the audience. We met a few potential investors and made very valuable connections during networking.
After 1 month we are still in connection with the attendees of that Startup Battle. We are working on the Third Opinion Care development together.
We will definitely consider participating in the next events organized by the same team.
Thank you Startup Network for giving Fanalyze the opportunity to pitch at your event! I met some awesome founders and was able to network with several investors. I enjoyed pitching and learning about the other startups in different industries.
After participating in the Startup Battle, which was held by Startup.Network in the Silicon Valley, we gained tremendous amount of experience on how to build the startup and attract investments. Especially it was very cool to talk with MS. He gave us a lot of advice. If it were no it for this event, we would not be able to get such advice. Then we actively worked on searching for investors which we did. We began due diligence but we realised that we did not want to take any investments on the early stage. Again, useful advice from Mike Sandler, his criticism to be precise, helped us to find the way. At this point, we have several investors from among the surgeons, but for now, we are managing on our own.
Now we have an MVP that is not just a set of tools but a surgical robot. The manufacturing of the primary product is taking place in Taiwan. At this point, it is on the stage of being certified.
If somebody asks me whether I need any investments in the early stages, I will say no. It is significantly more important to develop the right network and to get proper advice.
Everything that happened is the credit to Startup.Network!
I want to thank Statup.Network for precious experience and help we've got during startup battles in USA and Berlin.
Mentors your team chooses for jury on battles are always very professional and ready to help.
We got valuable feedback and a good quantity of insights.
Raccoon.World team continues communication and builds relationships with several investors we met on the battles.
We took part in several Startup Battles, organised by Startup.Network, in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Minsk, Almaty, Kharkov and attended Startup Battle in San Francisco.
I believe that it helped us to be selected from more than 1000 competitors for acceleration program in the Netherlands, where we were the only startup from Eastern Europe.
Attending the Startup Battles is very beneficial for expending networking and gaining useful feedback. In particular, the feedback, what we got on Startup Battle, from the investor form the Silicon Valley helped us to find new and more perspective niche and make the pivot. We would be glad to collaborate with the Startup.Network team again.
We took part in two Startup.Network events: Startup Battle in Moscow and Startup BAttle in Silicon Valley.
We won the 1st place in Moscow and got a lot of attention from the media and investors. After that event, we received lots of useful pieces of advice and attended meetings with investors.
And we won the 3d place in Silicon Valley, and right after the pitch Marvin Liao
(Partner 500 Startups) offered us to join 500 Startups accelerator. Being acquainted with Marwin helped us one more time in Moscow in some time.
We would be glad to pitch at Startup Battles again!
Thank you.